The continuing legacy of the Advocating for Safe Abortion Project in Associação Moçambicana de Obstetras e Ginecologistas (AMOG)
Since 2019, the Advocating for Safe Abortion project has empowered many national societies of obstetrics and gynaecology to champion evidence-based safe abortion advocacy as national, regional and global leaders.
Since the ASA Project, Associação Moçambicana de Obstetras e Ginecologistas (AMOG) have continued safe abortion advocacy in various ways. Alongside their participation in the abortion technical group, with MISAU and Partners, AMOG have participated in updating the abortion clinical standards manual, and the training package for the new standards in some provinces. They have elaborated a mentoring guide and supervision sheet for abortion care and work in partnership with ICRH on mentoring and supervision in the Tete province of Mozambique to offer safe abortion care as part of initiative titled; “the abortion service: with training and advocacy”.
Another major success that the society highlights is the recognition by the Ministry of Health in all issues of Sexual and Reproductive Health, where AMOG is a leader in all issues of abortion.