The continuing legacy of the Advocating for Safe Abortion Project in Sociedad Peruana de Obstetricia y Ginecología
Since 2019, the Advocating for Safe Abortion project has empowered many national societies of obstetrics and gynaecology to champion evidence-based safe abortion advocacy as national, regional and global leaders.
Since the ASA project, Sociedad Peruana de Obstetricia y Ginecología (SPOG) Peru have carried out various activities on safe abortion throughout the different regions of the country. This year their activities have focused on safe abortion for girls and adolescents who are victims of sexual violence. Additionally, the society have helped prepare a guide for therapeutic abortion for pregnant girls and adolescents, with the support of the National Maternal Perinatal Institute and UNICEF, which has been presented to the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations.
SPOG are proud to have positioned themselves as leaders in improving access to therapeutic abortion at the national level with the support of the National Maternal Perinatal Institute and the United Nations Population Fund and Parent Parenthood Global. Despite being approached by anti-choice structures, SPOG Peru has continued to advocate for safe abortion through training, teaching, technical support to the Ministry of Health, hospitals and NGOs, continued meetings with key stakeholders, and participation in safe abortion forums and scientific sessions. SPOG Peru continues to strengthen, and lead in SRHR advocacy.