FIGO Well Women Care Advice Wheel

Supporting wellness across the life course

Created by the FIGO the Committee on Well Woman Health Care, the Well Women Care Advice Wheel highlights 11 key areas we should focus on in order to support women’s and girls’  wellness across their life course.

It also recognise the direct impact of climate change has on all areas of preventive health, and how it disproportionally affect vulnerable communities, putting women’s health and rights at serious risk. 


“Wellness across the life course is a journey that requires attention and care at every stage. By promoting physical, mental, emotional, and social well being, we can empower girls and women to lead healthy, fulfilling lives. Let's work together to create a world where every girl and woman has the opportunity to thrive”

– Dr Hema Divakar,  Former Chair of the Committee on Well Woman Health Care

Well Women Care Advice Wheel
Download the Well Women Care Advice Wheel