Fistula Surgery Books and Publications
Find below a list of key publications on obstetric fistula repair and care.
Fistula Surgery Books
Breen M. (2019). Manual of Obstetric Fistula Surgery. Carlisle: The Foundation for the Global Library of Women’s Medicine (free to access).
Breen M. (2020). Manuel de Chirurgie de la Fistule Obstétricale. Carlisle: The Foundation for the Global Library of Women’s Medicine (free to access).
Chassar Moir J. (2006). The Vesico-vaginal Fistula, 2ndedition. London: Bailliere 1967.
Hancock B. (2005). First Steps in Vesico-Vaginal Fistula Surgery. London: Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd. (free to access)
Hancock B. (2013). An Introduction to Obstetric Fistula Surgery. London: Sapiens Publishing Ltd. (free to access)
Hancock B, Browning A. (2009). Practical Obstetric Fistula Surgery. London: Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd. (free to access)
Hancock B, Browning A. (2022). Practical Obstetric Fistula Surgery, 2ndedition. Sydney: Halstead Press (free to access).
Waaldijk K. (1989). The (Surgical) Management of Bladder Fistula in 775 Women in Northern Nigeria. Doctoral thesis. University of Utrecht.
Waaldijk K. (1994). Step-by-step Surgery of Vesicovaginal Fistulas. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd.
Waaldijk K. (2015). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: Sphincter Ani Rupture, Cut-thru Trauma. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2016). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: Functional Pelvis Anatomy in the Female. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2018). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: Corpus Intrapelvinum, Connective Tissue Body of Pelvis with Endopelvis Diaphragm. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2018). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: Yankan Gishiri Fistula, Kees Continent Urethra Reconstruction. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2020). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: 028 Kees 1c Stool Fistulas. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2020). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: 027 Kees Ib Stool Fistulas. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2020). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: 026 Kees Ia Stool Fistulas. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2020). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: 025 Kees Stool Fistula Classification. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2020). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: 024 Kees I Urine Fistulas. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2020). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: 023 Kees IIbb Urine Fistulas. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2020). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: 022 Kees IIba Urine Fistulas. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2020). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: 021 Kees IIab Urine Fistulas. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Waaldijk K. (2020). Obstetric Trauma Surgery, Art and Science, Setting Standards by Evidence-based Practice: Postpartum Hypotonic Bladder, Postpartum Urine Retention with Overflow Incontinence. Limburg: Printmarkt.
Zacharin R. (1988). Obstetric Fistula. Vienna: Springer-Verlag.
Nursing and Related Books
Drew LB, Ruder B, Schwartz DA. (2022). A Multidisciplinary Approach to Obstetric Fistula in Africa - Public Health, Anthropological, and Medical Perspectives. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Campbell IM, Asiimwe IS. (2021). Nursing Care for Women with Childbirth Injuries. Edinburgh: Uganda Childbirth Injury Fund; London: International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (free to access).
World Health Organization. (2009). Fistule obstétricale : Principes directeurs pour la prise en charge clinique et le développement de programmes. Geneva: World Health Organization (free to access).
World Health Organization. (2006). Obstetric Fistula: Guiding Principles for Clinical Management and Programme Development. Geneva: World Health Organization (free to access).
Physiotherapy Books
Keyser L, McKinney J. (2019). Implementing Physical Rehabilitation Services into Comprehensive Fistula and Maternity Care: A Training Guide for Health Workers. Mama LLC, EngenderHealth/Fistula Care Plus. Available in English, French, Portuguese, Swahili (free to access but registration necessary).
Journals and Publications
- International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics (IJGO)
- Special Issue: Obstetric fistula: Where we currently stand (2020). Volume 148, Issue S1 (free to access)
- Special Issue: Prevention and Treatment of Obstetric Fistula: Identifying Research Needs and Public Health Priorities (2007). Volume 99, Issue S1.