Faysal El Kak

Faysal El Kak is a candidate for the position of FIGO President Elect 2021-2023.

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Faysal El-Kak M.D. M.S. ARCOG

Academic work

Clinical Associate of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of Women Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) Program, Department of OBGYN, American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC)

Senior Lecturer of Health Behavior and Sexuality, Faculty of Health Sciences, AUB

Director of Women Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) Program, Department of OBGYN, American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC), providing specific services to reproductive and sexual health of youth and women across their life, postmenopausal, in cancer survivorship, post- surgery, and postpartum

As a researcher, involved and co- lead research on maternal health, sexual and reproductive health, violence against women, and refugee health. Author of over 50 publications, book chapters, couple of books related to sexual, reproductive, maternal health.


Selected National professional work

2011-2013:  President of the I worked hard with the Lebanese Society of Obstetrics Gynecology (LSOG), transforming the society into a key national and regional player partnering with Ministry of Public Health, UNFPA, and WHO, on maternal reproductive health and family planning issues. LSOG became active member of FIGO community and council. I organized one of the most prestigious annual ObGyn conference that attracted world renounced experts and large number of participants.

Developed the Maternal Mortality Registry for Lebanon

Chaired the National Safe Motherhood Committee, and the National Committee on Corona and Pregnancy

Co-developed the National Policy on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

Developed the National Service Delivery Guidelines for women’s health


Selected Regional/International professional work

Developed Programs on family planning and adolescent health

Developed guidelines on Prevention Mother- T0- Child- Transmission of HIV

Training on GBV

Development of Sexuality and sexual health working definitions


FIGO work

2012- 2018: FIGO Council member, where I brought the issue of refugees and displaced women and childrenfor FIGO as a priority. Now it has become one of FIGO’s main areas of work translated by a specialized action- oriented committee. I was a leading member to focus our work in this global problem. I worked with the council members on several reformative and corrective measures to help evolve FIGO to where it is now in this area

2017-2020: President of the Federation of Arab Gynecology Obstetrics Societies (FAGOS), I worked with the board to reactivate and promote the Federation by placing women’s health issues and debates at its core. I collaborated with FIGO on Dubai congress, and with WHO- EMRO and UNFPA on maternal health and family planning matters. This was in addition to holding 3 very successful annual congresses and workshops

2018-2021: FIGO Vice President. I worked hard with the trustees, council members, Federations, and member societies to make FIGO more inclusive realizing closer collaboration of colleagues from the 132 national societies. This is to promote FIGO as a global leader of WHR, and to show the full potential of FIGO who has more than 1.5 million ObGyns. I also played an active role in the scope and development of the Strategic Plan. During the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, I started regular FIGOnars– supported by trustees.  Over one year (May ‘20- June ‘21) we had hundreds of speakers and thousands of participants from 150 countries with more than 38 FIGOnars.

To ensure FIGO scientific rigor, competence, and outreach, ECAC (Education Communication Advocacy Consortium) was formed, chaired by me as VP. The FIGO ECAC is the resource portal facilitating and disseminating scientific work and position statements to improve women’s health and rights globally in alignment with FIGO’s vision/mission. 


Selected Relevant Professional Affiliations

  • Member of the Global Advisory Board on Sexual Health and Wellness (GABSHAW)
  • Member of the advisory board of the World Association of Sexual health (WAS)/Chair of Middle East Sexual Health Committee
  • Member of the editorial board of Sexual Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM) and Journal of Saudi Society of ObGyn
  • Consultant to WHO and UNFPA (Technical SRHR Advisor)