Introducing an important new resource for Safer Motherhood!
FIGO is introducing a very important new resource for Safer Motherhood.
After extensive testing and evaluation, FIGO’s educational platform, The Global Library of Women’s Medicine, is making available a unique Safer Motherhood APP; it is entirely FREE and we hope it will be genuinely helpful in supporting medical professionals in their care of women throughout pregnancy and childbirth.
It is fundamentally different from anything else currently available - and is a sophisticated mobile-based programme that is interactive and that can be constantly updated. Importantly, it can also be adapted locally by individual FIGO Member Societies to feature local protocols and other relevant materials, should they wish to adopt this option.
Since its recent launch anyone, anywhere, can now download this App free to their mobile phone or tablet, and always have expert guidance on managing obstetric emergencies instantly available.
Key features include:
* A wide range of short skills videos and clinical animations with voice commentary
* Expert and visual guidance on managing most aspects of pregnancy and childbirth
* Once downloaded, these resources can be instantly accessed anytime, even when no phone connectivity is available
* Updates and new resources will be offered regularly
*There is a unique option that allows midwives and doctors to store patient records securely and to share them with their clinic
To review the APP, to see exactly how it works - without even needing to download it - click on the ICON below or paste this link into your browser
FIGO encourages its Member Societies to add this ICON below to their websites.
Alternatively, use the HTML code below for placing this icon on a website: