Remembering Dr Momade Bhay Ustá

FIGO is deeply saddened to receive news of the death of Dr Momade Bhay Ustá, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist and current President of the Associação Moçambicana de Obstetras e Ginecologistas (AMOG).
Dr Ustá was a true champion of women’s reproductive health and rights, in particular access to safe abortion, and has been leading the AMOG team as part of FIGO’s Advocating Safe Abortion Project. Prior to this he worked on the FIGO Leadership in Obstetrics and Gynecology for Impact and Change (LOGIC) Initiative, which helped to establish AMOG in Mozambique.
Our thoughts and condolences go out to Dr Ustá’s family, friends and colleagues at this difficult time.
Mary Ann Lumsden, Chief Executive
My colleague Momade Bay Ibrahimo Usta, after his graduation as Obstetrician/Gynaecologist, was designated as director of José Macamo General Hospital located in a densely populated area on the outskirts of Maputo city were the maternity unit was of primary level. During his work, he quickly realised that having an integrated and comprehensive approach for the provision of Sexual and Reproductive Health services including access to Emergency Obstetrics Care, was crucial on empowering women and improving their life quality. He made changes which allowed the maternity unit to move from the primary to the secondary level with 24h Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care in a full Department of Obstetrics/gynaecology. The immediate results of such initiative were the reduction in the work flow of patients in the main Central Hospital, HCM, very overwhelmed at the time.
Dr Usta was the Director of this Ob/Gyn department for many years and made it possible to be accredited as a teaching and research department for medical and midwifery students as well as internship training for the specialisation in Obstetrics/Gynaecology. He and his team at Jose Macamo Hospital have trained many obstetricians/gynaecologists and has published many articles related to Women Health including abortion care. Usta (as we used to call him) will always be remembered, as a great person, good colleague and friend, very much committed in decreasing the suffering of Women, and improving their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
Dra Nafissa Osman, AMOG Past President
Dr Ustá was a such a strong character and leader for AMOG, I have greatly enjoyed learning from his wisdom and experience. He will be sorely missed by everyone at FIGO.
Matt Pretty, FIGO Project Coordinator