WHO Guideline on 'Health worker roles in providing safe abortion care and post-abortion contraception'
Unsafe abortion continues to be a major public health problem causing thousands of deaths each year and resulting in many more women who suffer complications. Given the current critical shortage of specialised professionals in many countries, the involvement of a range of health worker cadres is essential to ensuring access to safe abortion and post-abortion care, including the provision of post-abortion contraception.
FIGO has reviewed the WHO’s Guideline on ‘Health worker roles in providing safe abortion care and post-abortion contraception’ (WHO 2015). The guideline addresses this critical issue and provides evidence-based recommendations on a regulated approach to expanding the role of health worker cadres in safe abortion and postabortion contraception. FIGO endorses and supports these recommendations and encourages its Members to disseminate and advocate for the adoption of these recommendations within their national contexts.