FIGO Strategic Plan 2021–2030: Goal 1

Improve the health and wellbeing of women and girls across their life course worldwide 

strategy goal 1

Through policy and advocacy, we will

  • advocate for universal health coverage, including primary prevention, medical and surgical care
  • reduce maternal morbidity and mortality
  • accelerate efforts to reach international development targets, especially in the area of safe motherhood and newborn health, cancer prevention and treatment, non-communicable diseases and environmental exposures
  • work with governments to promote the health and wellbeing of women and girls
  • strengthen partnerships with professional organisations and public and private sectors to undertake collaborative efforts for the advancement of women and girls’ health and rights
  • mobilise resources through grant applications, investor markets, workshops and multisector partnerships.

Through our membership and partnerships, we will 

  • strengthen communication with members and partners across all nations
  • strengthen capacities of member societies and increase value of membership
  • work in close collaboration with regional federations
  • work with international partners to play a pivotal role in the development and implementation of sustainable programmes aimed at the improvement of care available to women and girls
  • participate in collaborative data sharing, benchmarking, research and scientific publications, including scientific dissemination at local, regional and global levels
  • promote innovations within and with other sectors to enhance women and girls’ health
  • develop and implement virtual learning opportunities for member societies.
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