Biennial Report 2021–2023: FIGO Projects

As part of our work, FIGO leads on a global programme of activities with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and South East Asia. Our projects support national societies to grow, strengthen and advocate to make a positive impact on the lives of women and girls. We put clinical knowledge, experience and evidence at the heart of our initiatives and we believe in the power of our diverse community to bring about real change.

FIGO’s programmatic work creates enabling environments within which health systems function and health care professionals are empowered to meet the health needs and rights of women and girls.

We work together with national societies of obstetrics and gynaecology and partners to influence decision makers and accelerate uptake of evidence-based recommendations to improve the health and wellbeing of women and girls.

As an international federation with a track-record of delivering results, we generate evidence and facilitate the replication of successes across the globe.

FIGO is a global force committed to strengthening implementation for women and girls’ health and human rights. FIGO’s evidence, technical expertise and unique insights are indispensable in decision-making forums the world over.

– Kate Gilmore, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights (2015–2019)


FIGO is a critical ally in the delivery of time-sensitive essential health care to women, girls and newborns. FIGO’s unique ability to leverage its OBGYN members, research, first-hand insights and clinical best practice, founded on human rights standards, is ever more critical if we are to give oxygen to the words ‘access to sexual and reproductive health a reality for all’.

– Dr Bela Ganatra, Head of the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion Unit, World Health Organization