FIGO at Women Deliver

FIGO at Women Deliver 2019

Join FIGO and high profile guest panelists at Women Deliver 2019:


Person-­Centered Care
Ensuring Quality of Care Throughout the Life Course for Girls and Women

In partnership with Help Age and NCD Alliance.

Dr Faysal El Kak, VP FIGO will join a high profile panel and be asked:

  • Quality, skilled attendance at birth is considered the most critical intervention for ensuring safe motherhood. How can we ensure that 
    the recommended standards of life saving care are delivered in all countries so that the lives of mothers and babies are not needlessly put at risk?
  • The reproductive years are a key window of opportunity to provide integrated care for women and girls. What are some of the policy and service recommendations you have seen that result in better care not only during these years, but also throughout the lifecourse?
  • How can these recommendations drive progress and change for women and girls, and societies at large?
  • What's your one take away message for our audience today?

Take a look at what was discussed


Person-Centered Care 
Ending Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination

In partnership with Help Age and NCD Alliance.

Dr Anne Kihara, President of AFOG (African Federation Obestrics and Gynecology) and FIGO Member will will join a high profile panel to address:

  • Aspects of maternal mental health, including postpartum depression
  • Barriers to service provision in low-income settings
  • Recommendations that can empower pregnant women to result in better maternal health outcomes for themselves.

Hear from Anne about her experience at Women Deliver



Person-Centered Care 
A Global Health Tsunami: Non-communicable Diseases

In partnership with Help Age and NCD Alliance.

Dr Hema Divakar, Consultant ObGyn and Medical Director, Divakars Specialty Hospital and Co-chair FIGO Pregnancy and NCDs Committee, will join a high profile panel to discuss

  • The reproductive years of a woman’s life, focusing on the need for integrated care, including screening and treatment for common risk factors such as hypertension and hyperglycemia.
  • Challenges of intergenerational transmission and how we can convert these challenges into opportunities for improved health outcomes for mothers and their newly born babies
  • How to stem the rising curve of NCDs, to improve future population health

Take a look at what was discussed 



Hear from FIGO Vice President, Dr Faysal El Kak during his presentation at the Women Deliver Power Stage

The Power of Community - Co-hosted by ICM and FIGO
Is the Midwife - Obstetrician relationship a danger to women?

By invitation only
The challenges women face in accessing quality of care and reproductive rights are not ‘obstericians problems’ or ‘midwives’s  problems,’ they are major challenges we must tackle together.

If we are to progress towards the 2030 Agenda, including the reduction of maternal and newborn mortality, we need to provide equitable access to the full range of sexual and reproductive health-care services. For obstericians and midwives to be better equipped to provide the quality care that women want and need during the childbirth continuum we must work collaboratively in respectful and equal relationships, each recognising, understanding and valuing the contribution of the other.

Starting the dialogue is a first important step in this process.

Thursday 6th June, 10.30 - midday
Meeting Room 12, Vancouver Conference Centre, East Wing.

For further information, please contact:

Jennifer Crago
Director Communications, Advocacy & Publications
Tel: +44 (0)7383 025 731
Email: [email protected]     @FIGOHQ